Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Community: Psychology and Graduate Educational Experience Essay

How do you think your graduate educational experience will be different from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What would be the key components of a learning community and how might it be different from an undergraduate learning community? I believe that the undergraduate level guides the individual to become a better researcher. It also pushes the student to think at a more critical level. The undergraduate level will also change the thinking process within the individual by making them change their thinking principles. At graduate level we are held to higher expectations and we must have more discipline. The reason for this is because at this level the amount of knowledge we will be receiving is greatly expanded upon. This is the start of a form of mastery in the subject and allows us the ability to get a deep understanding and idea of the subject. The graduate learning community is a group of individuals along with the instructor that share the same passion and drive in the subject field of study. This allows everyone to gain knowledge from each other and gives us the ability to grow stronger in our field. The learning community is a concrete environment for instructors to pass on years of experience and knowledge to the student by following the class as it was designed to be taught. This allows students and instructors alike to input their perspectives on the subject, which increases the knowledge gained. In other courses that I have taken with other schools, participation was at your choice. As long as you meet the minimum requirements you still got a good grade. To be successful the more participation you have the more knowledge you gain, thus making you more successful in your field of study.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Current Housing Crisis in Maryland

Abstract The current housing crisis in Maryland has devastated much of the inner city of Baltimore and surrounding counties. The economic collapse of 2008 has left many Maryland residences unemployed or underemployed. The direct impact of the economic collapse has left homeowners wondering how they will pay their mortgages and keep food on the table. Maryland homeowners have been struggling to make ends meet. Some of the issues that are being faced have to do with the predatory lending practices of some mortgage lenders. President Obama signed an agreement to bailout some banks in hope to spare families from losing their homes.Those hopes did not pan out well. There was another bailout of $25 billion dollars allotted in Feb 2012 to help homeowners and reduce mortgages to the principal home values. Thus far the mortgage industry has done as little as possible to hold up their end of that bargain. We need to get educated and hold these predatory lenders accountable. The Current Housing Crisis in Maryland By a show of hands, how many people are in a financially challenging situation with paying their mortgage? Do you know that you may very well be a victim of predatory lending practices?You may be asking yourself what is predatory lending. Some of us are familiar with the term. For those who are not, I will explain what a predatory lender is and the effect they have had on our communities. Predatory lenders and the tactics they use to originate loans with unsophisticated buyers are unfair. We now have predatory legal and rescue services popping up everywhere with the defense that they are here to help us. I intend to provide you with information to free legal services and information to assist in the fight to hold the mortgage lenders accountable for what they are doing.I am a Baltimore City resident who is upside down in my mortgage. I owe more on my home than it is worth in today’s market. I am currently in the fight to have my mortgage lender do what is right by lowering my principle home value to a fair market price. I currently owe double what my home is worth. Many of us are upside down, have high interest rates or are currently in foreclosure. We are looking for relief from the banks that don’t seem to care much about where our families will sleep once we lose our homes. We need to embarrass them for the way they are treating minorities and low-moderate income families.Predatory lending practices are a huge contributing factor in the current economic crisis. Many families lost income and the home values have been declining drastically. Saving our homes from foreclosure is the main focus of many families in Maryland. I intend on exposing predatory lending practices that homeowners may not be aware of. The lack of strong regulations in Maryland has allowed unscrupulous mortgage lenders to take advantage of unsophisticated homeowners. Predatory lending has had a devastating effect on individuals and families.The term  "predatory lending† has been used to describe a broad range of loans that are not common in the prime market. These loans do not offer any benefit to the borrower. Some of the most common predatory practices are: †¢Excessive fees and points †¢Ignoring borrower’s ability to repay †¢Balloon payments †¢Interest only loans †¢Excessive interest rates †¢Concealing the true cost of the loan Federal regulators have warned banks that non-traditional mortgages such as interest-only loans may lead to a rash of defaults when the principal must be paid or interest rates increase.With such loans, the homeowners are not paying towards the principal on the loan, only the interest. Interest rate increases could have a devastating effect on the mortgage payment monthly. Adjustable rates have the same devastating effect on homeowners. The interest rate is not guaranteed and could fluctuate greatly on a per month basis. With adjustable mortgage loan terms home owners have no clue on what the loan would eventually cost them. This lending practice is a â€Å"set up to fail† proposition. Underemployment and lack of employment has been the peripheral nail in the coffin for many Maryland families.Many families have lost at least one household income and a few have lost both incomes. Income loss combined with the volatile housing market has crushed the American Dream for many homeowners. People who were able to find work after economic crisis, had to take drastic pay cuts which were not adequate to support their current needs. With the economic downturn families are left to pay for homes they cannot afford. This crisis occurred when the mortgage bubble burst. Many homes were being sold for much more than their fair market value.Once the bubble burst the home value depreciation was steep and sharp. People lost 20-40% of the equity in their homes. Although there are many programs available to help homeowners, the majority of them are unabl e to help homeowners who are under water on the mortgage due to the lost equity in their homes. Some foreclosures are voluntary. When the bubble burst, homeowners found themselves owing 100,000s more than the homes were worth. Those homeowners decided that paying off the mortgage was indeed a bad deal. So they just walked away from the properties.The new dagger in homeowners back is the rise in property taxes. The city government needs money so they have raised the taxed values of homes to bring in more money regardless if the home values are decreasing. Homeowners are losing their homes because their mortgage payments did not include an escrow for homeowners insurance and taxes. Once a homeowner becomes delinquent on their property taxes, they have to pay the past due amount in addition to the current amount due. For the Maryland residence that find themselves in foreclosure, please seek assistance sooner than later.Maryland laws do not demand that you are notified of the Intent to foreclose. Within your originating loan documents you signed either a â€Å"power of sale† or â€Å"assent to decree† which essentially is an ex parte order to sell your property if you are in default. In addition, the predatory lenders make it impossible to become current again once the mortgage is in default. They can add servicing fees such as late fees, force placed insurance, inspection fees, etc. to make it difficult to bring the account current. We as homeowners have the right to stay in our homes.Homes we have cared for over the years. The banks should not have the right to evict us without improving the foreclosure process so we have better and earlier notice and the opportunity to redeem prior to significant costs being incurred. They should reduce the loan principle to the fair market value, adjust interest rates and reevaluate the financial situation of the homeowners. The mortgage industry did a disservice to many of the homeowners in the room. Many of us were uninformed about the repercussions and pitfalls involved with interest only, variable rates and balloon payment loans.Predatory lending practices contributed directly to the economic crisis of the mortgage industry in Maryland. I would like to provide information to several pro bono legal services and housing resources: Pro Bono Resources Center of Maryland. (410)837-9379 or toll free (800)396-1274 www. probonomd. org 1. Civil Justice, Inc. www. civiljusticenetwork. org 2. Public Justice Center (410) 625-9409 for tenants who landlords are in foreclosure 3. Community Law Center (410) 366-7777 www. communitylaw. org 4. Maryland Hope (877) 462-7555 www. mdhope. dhcd. maryland. gov 5.Foreclosure Proceedings in Maryland (Brochure): http://www. msba. org/departments/commpubl/publications/brochures/foreclosure. htm There has been an ongoing investigation into the banking fraud and predatory lending scandal. President Obama signed another bailout of $25 billion dollars in Feb 2012 to help homeowners and reduce principle mortgage values. The bailout involved Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Ally Financial and JPMorgan Chase. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have yet to come on board however they do offer some homeowner assistance with modification of term and underwater loans.Many look at the bailout as another opportunity to reward the banks for the wrong doing they have done to the citizens and many communities. I was able to look at the bigger picture. This is a way to monitor how many loans are modified and how many principle values are reduced. By providing the bailout this time around there were defined stipulations as to what the funds are to be used for. North Carolina’s Banking Commissioner Joseph Smith will serve as the â€Å"independent monitor† to enforce the deals and their terms. The bailout does very little for the people who have already lost their homes. They are eligible to receive up to $2000.

How Are Mobile Phones Changing the Way People Maintain Relationships

CULTURAL AWARENESS How are mobile phones changing the way people maintain relationships? INTRODUCTION Mobile phones are increasingly taking a major role in the communication revolution and the use of the mobile phone is an immensely significant social and cultural phenomenon, hence over the years, the telephone has dramatically changed how people live their lives, see their world and communicate. As we read in Ferraro ( 2002: 29 ) â€Å"all cultures experience continual change†, however nowadays the process of a change is even more intensified, more dynamic and much quicker.A lot of that has to do with the development of mobile telephone technology. In referring to the drivers of change, we cannot forget about phenomenon of globalization which affects our modern lifestyle. In today’s world we live in a fast-pace, where maintaining relationships is made difficult by the fact we have less time for social bonding, and communication is often very limited. Here comes into im portance the technology of the mobile phone, as it gives the opportunity to talk to anyone, anywhere at any time.Since mobile phones have become an increasingly important tool in social interaction, the purpose of this research project is to gain insight into the mobile technology phenomenon and to understand better how it affects the way people maintain relationships by linking it to the theoretical background of social construction and selective perception. The report consists of four major sections. Firstly, theoretical background will be presented, followed up by the explanation of methodology used.Then the findings of the primary research will be presented, followed up by an overall analysis of information gathered. Finally, a conclusion will be given. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Before investigating the influence that mobile phones have had on the way the relationships are maintained, it is crucial to understand the connection between communication and culture. According to Hall (1 977) â€Å"Culture is communication and communication is culture†, from which we can deduce that the way we communicate expresses our culture.Therefore, any shift in the way we communicate has an influence on our culture, our perception , our behavior and the social construction. Let us take a look at the social construction. Why does this concept need to be mentioned? The answers is that we, as members of the society, are assembling ways of seeing things, while at the same time shaping our expectations and behavior. As culture is maintained by social construction, we learn culture every day. We learned to use mobile phones on a daily basis, letting them become inseparable part of our daily routine.Here another concept comes into importance, namely perception. Culture, and at the same time communication, performs an important role in how we perceive and understand reality. According to Gamble and Gamble (1996), (in Samovar et al, 2007: 128-130), we select, interpret and organ ize data in order to make sense of our world. And being exposed to similar experiences, culture creates similar meaning and behavior, which is called selective perception. It is truly incredible how fast mobile phones have caused a change in social construction and the way people perceive communication and social bonding.Sections below intend to explain how exactly mobile phones are changing the way people maintain relationships. METHODOLOGY In order to find out how the mobile technology is influencing the way the relationships are maintained in Britain , several methods were used to study the behavior of mobile phone users. Firstly, during a period of 4 weeks, in a variety of settings, using an observation, I observed the behavior of mobile phone users, by listening to their conversations and observing their approach to phone conversations, texting and using their mobile for various purposes.This was followed up by 2 individual and 2 focus group discussions. I found the in-depth in terviews and focus group discussions most appropriate for my research, as they gave a lot of qualitative information and let the people who were being interviewed express themselves and their opinions fully, which would not be the case if I decided to use questionnaires . FINDINGS As indicated before, for the research methods I have used an observation, two in-depth interviews and also two focus group discussions.During the period of observation I have noticed many different behaviors regarding mobile phone usage, however for the purpose of this report, only the ones which apply to the topic have been listed below: * On the bus: 10 out of 25 people were using their phone in some way * On the bus: 7 out of 25 people received or made a phone call within 45 min time frame * At the university: at least 1/3 of people gathered in a mutual area were talking or texting on their mobiles * In the cafe: All individuals sitting alone had a mobile phone either on the table or in usageIt can be a rgued that mobile phones are increasingly used by people, for they are new communication tools. Since mobile communication is an uprising issue, the above observations conducted me to bring forth questions for further investigation on how mobile phones are influencing the way people maintain relationships. The sample for the qualitative research method included 10 people [male and female] (for both interviews and focus group discussions). The answers were mostly collected from the age group 20-30 years old.All participants were believed to be in a peaceful state, important in concluding the honesty and quality of the answers given as they were unaffected by an unnatural sate of nervousness. To better understand how relationships are maintained in today’s society and to get a better view of the issue discussed, first the respondents were asked to describe how they communicate with their family and friends. Their instant response was via phone calls, text messages, facebook, sk ype, and instant messengers like WhatsApp .Only one person said that they maintain face to face contact with family. Since the respondents indicated mobile phones as means through which they often communicate with their contacts, this initiated a series of questions. Asked how the phones changed/are changing the way people maintain relationships, the respondents said that nowadays people maintain more contact, call more, send messages, and claim that it has made the communication very easy.However on the other hand the contact is possibly superficial as you may keep in touch with people you do not care for as much. A female respondent argued that â€Å"It has made people lazy in certain aspects, because all you have to do is pick up a phone and call someone instead of making an effort and meet that person. So it has made us lazy, but on the other hand it’s very efficient, especially if you have something to do, when you are in a rush. As for the time when people tend to call their contacts, many respondents indicated afternoon or evening, saying that they make phone calls or send texts when travelling (primarily walking or when on a bus), because that is when they have some free time between other activities. As one female respondent said â€Å" it’s all about time†. The majority of respondents argued that speaking on the phone influences the way we speak to one another and they also admitted they do it themselves. Primarily because when on the phone one can get interrupted easily, especially when multi-tasking.Also they argued that you usually make everything briefer on the phone, because when you talk you can be distracted by many things that are happening around you. In the case of new relationships, people tend to be more comfortable and open over the phone, especially considering text messages. Two female respondents said that it is easier to speak to another person differently if you do not really know her/him and also said that pho nes give means to hide certain things that you do not wish to reveal â€Å"because the other person cannot see my face so they do not know what I am feeling†.The change in non-verbal communication must also be mentioned here, as the majority of respondents admitted that they use their phone as an excuse to avoid speaking to someone. The statement of the male respondent confirmed that : â€Å"I have pretended I was on the phone when I did not want to talk to someone, you just want to pretend that you are doing something, it shuts you off, because it is not very socially acceptable to interrupt somebody who is having a conversation†.Furthermore, some respondents claimed they used their phone as a form of security and protection. One male respondent said : â€Å" My friend is always on the phone when she feels nervous†. A female respondent said that she feels safer knowing she can always call somebody to get help, or when in the bar waiting for some friends, she cl aimed she takes phone out to make people think she is busy, using phone as a bodyguard. Respondents were also asked to indicate positive and negative aspects of mobile phone usage in terms of aintaining relationships. As a positive they pointed out the fact that communication has become very efficient, easy, cheap, and also allows one to keep in touch more readily with family and friends, to arrange meetings and to develop new relationships. On the other hand respondents indicated that it has been made too easy, â€Å"because we do not even have to go out anymore to meet our friends†. They said the contact is not as real and might be taking away some value of a real friendship.As a male respondent said â€Å"You may have a long conversation over the phone with someone, then you meet up in real life and it is like you do not really know each other, you can find awkwardness sometimes. † Ultimately, the respondents mutually agreed on the statement that mobile phones help maintain relationships. As a female respondent said â€Å"it’s a constant reminder that you are thinking of someone and they are thinking of you, and that you want to stay in their lives, and that is maintaining relationships†.At the end the respondents were asked to express their view on how the social interaction looked like before the mobile phones became so popular. They said that people were sending more letters and cards, than nowadays. Also people used to interact with each other more, however they would meet with less people, only close family and friends that lived nearby. Now, as they confirmed, it is possible to keep in touch with friends that are on the other side of the world, because you are constantly available on the mobile. ANALYSIS OF FINDINGSThe importance of this research is that it explains behavior noticed during the observation and analyses the information gathered during the individual interviews and the focus group discussions . After investiga ting the subject area, I have found that mobile phones are influencing change of some of the underlying cultural values in Britain, for instance, bonds within close social circles, the meaning of time and communication patterns, which then influences the way people see their reality and perceive certain things and behaviors.As culture is maintained by social construction, we learn culture every day. We learned to use mobile phones on a daily basis, letting them become inseparable part of our daily routine, which created patterns and made them become something which we perceive as normal. Nowadays, we claim mobiles necessary to socialize, they became a tool for developing new contacts, maintaining a friendship network and arranging meetings. In the last 10-15 years we have been exposed to similar experiences of communication. Mobile phone communication has become as natural as going to the shop and buying bread each morning.Our behavior has been shaped by the regular use of mobile ph one, so that many people nowadays cannot imagine to spend a day without it, they even claim they would feel lost without it (Fox, 2001). As we read in â€Å"Towards a sociology of the mobile phone†( McGuigan, 2005), we perceive the mobile phone as an extension to the body, sometimes even feel naked without it. We tend to keep our phones nearby, in our pocket, in our hand, making us always contactable and available, for someone from our social network.We feel like there is always something to be said and when we get the message we tend to write or call back as soon as possible We did not even noticed that we are increasingly dependent on the mobile phone technology in terms of social interaction. Mobile phones, as proven by this research project and many others, have gained protection and security status. We increasingly depend on our phones in situations of distress, they give us reassurance and sensation of being secure, for instance walking late at night.Why do we feel secu re? Well, we can always call somebody, let them know where we are, gain a feeling of unreliable reassurance, as the person you have contacted may be miles away, not really being able to help us in certain situation. On the other hand, phones are used for protection in the situation when we want to avoid contact with someone, for instance in a bar or in a coffee shop. When one does not wish to be approached, it is enough to put a phone on the table and look it up from time to time.With the British â€Å"obsession† about privacy, it would be simply considered rude and socially unacceptable to interrupt someone who is busy. That lead me to consider one of the Hall’s dimensions (Hall, 1976). It may be that communication in Britain is becoming more high-context oriented. Mobiles can not only be used as mean of protection, but perhaps also as a barrier. When we do not want to talk to someone we know on the bus, it is enough to pretend we are busy with our mobile. We may ackn owledge the other person’s presence but we would immediately go back to looking at the phone.The message is clear to both sides – â€Å"I do not really want to talk right now†. Also , another example of high context approach is: when a person is not responding to our messages or phone calls, it may mean that he or she does not wish to speak to us, on the other hand, subtle signal, known as â€Å"giving the buzz†often means â€Å"I am thinking of you†. As we can see there are many examples of high-context communication within mobile phone influence on the way people maintain relationships, however it does not necessarily mean all communication in Britain is becoming high-context.Another change in terms of social construction is that via technology we are now able to keep in touch with more people than before, it is deemed normal to have a large net of social connections. Why is that? Perhaps, the distance seems shorter, because another person is jus t a phone call away. Before, we used to have more face-to- face interactions, but they were restricted to the close circle of friends and family that lived in the same geographic area. Therefore we maintain more contact, but it is possible it has become much more superficial.Considering the lack of openness in social interaction, mobile phones seem to facilitate interpersonal contacts and act like an ice-breaker. It is easy to send a message and it is nice to receive one in return, but the issue to consider is whether we can really count on that person. Mobile phones therefore might be depriving values of real friendship and in fact people may feel very alone, even though they have 300 contacts in their mobile device. There has been a behavioral shift in terms of social construction, for as a society, we have become more lazy and comfortable.As the other person is reachable on their mobile at all times, we have adapted the pattern of calling and not necessarily meeting with friends and family, which can sometimes be dangerous, because it deprives us of developing social skills. It has also been proven that we speak to each other differently on the phone than when talking face to face. Considering there is no visible contact, we cannot see expressions on our interlocutor’s face and his/her body language. People may be making faces and rolling their eyes and we would not know!Also if we do not want to say something, we can easily avoid doing that, because since there are no facial expressions, the interlocutor would not notice the difference. And nowadays, especially with text messages, you can almost pretend to be someone you are not! Speaking on the phone or texting gives some people the confidence they do not have in face-to-face interactions, especially in the reserved British culture. How did the use of the mobile change the way we perceive communication? We communicate when we have free time, as the respondents said, we are using â€Å"time in betw een†, when we are walking, when on the bus.Is it not all about time nowadays? As time is limited, which suggest monochromic orientation (Hall, 1983:42), and with the lack of time we have these days , we use every free moment we have to get in touch with people. But since these conversations are being conducted when we are on the go, it may deprive of the focus and dedication we would give this other person if we were talking to him/her face-to-face. Also, in terms of contact, we have a chance to keep in touch more often, but it is more about exchanging information than having real in-depth conversation with another person.People tend to divide time into little blocks in order to use it as efficiently as possible, tending to multi-task and combine many activities at a time. For instance, talking on the phone, checking emails, responding to messages, on the way to/from work, school, walking, sipping coffee – which again suggests a slight shift towards polychronic orientat ion. Time is considered limited, however nowadays we are trying to make the most of it, some would wish to even â€Å"save it† via multi-tasking.To conclude this section, we communicate more easily, more efficiently and more cheaply, but also we have created some needs and new obligations. Specialists claim that we are becoming addicted to technology, but the answer may be different. We are not as much addicted to technology, as to communicating with people. We are addicted to interacting with our social circle, and mobile phones facilitate the process of communication. CONCLUSION In conclusion, there is no doubt that the spread of mobile communication is affecting our lives and the way we maintain relationships.Since technologically advanced information systems tend to encourage and facilitate communication and at the same time cultural interaction, it is understandable that they play an important part in influencing the way the communication is conducted and change the way people are perceiving certain situations, at the same time creating new ways of seeing reality and different behavior patterns. In the modern world we live in, the patterns of communication in Britain are rapidly changing. Mobile phones are increasingly used to help us establish, develop and maintain relationships.We see it as means to help us to bond and interact with our colleagues, friends and family. We perceive this new technology as a new approach to build social networks, and as a tool that makes our busy life easier. Word count: 3220 REFERENCES * FERRARO, G. P. (2002). The cultural dimension of international business 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 29 * FOX, K. (2001) Evolution, alienation and gossip: the role of mobile telecommunications in the 21st century. Social Issues Research Centre. Available from http://www. sirc. org/publik/gossip. shtml [Accessed on 15/11/2011 ] * GAMBLE, T.K. , GAMBLE,M. (1996). Communication works 5th ed. New York:McGra w-Hill, pp. 77 * HALL, E. T. (1977) Beyond culture. Garden City, NY: Anchor Doubleday, pp. 14 * HALL, E. T. (1983) The Dance of Life: Other Dimensions of Time. New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, pp. 42 * McGUIGAN, J. (2005) Towards a sociology of the mobile phone. An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments. Vol. 1 , pp. 45-57. Available from : www. humantechnology. jyu. fi [Accessed on 17/11/2011] * SAMOVAR, L. A. , et al (2007). Communication between cultures 6th ed. Belmont, Calif: Thomson/Wadsworth, pp. 128-130

Monday, July 29, 2019

World's Leading Producer, Distributor of Flooring Products, Mohawk Essay

World's Leading Producer, Distributor of Flooring Products, Mohawk Industries Signs with Harbor Payments for Accounts Receivable Automation - Essay Example Mohawk Industries, Inc. is the leading producer and distributor of carpet, rugs, stone, vinyl, ceramic tile, wood and laminate flooring, and all of the company's products are marketed under the most popular brands in this industry. Since the company has a lot of customers, this agreement is expected to enhance the effectiveness of the company's relations with them, i.e. facilitate the payment processes, as well as receiving and approving invoices and utilizing credits and discounts. Moreover, there will no longer be a need to print and mail checks. The company's officials also hope Harbor Payments system will boost the productiveness of their relations with their dealers, helping the latter be more profitable and efficient. It should not be overlooked, however, that Harbor Payments will obviously benefit from signing the agreement with Mohawk Industries, Inc., too. Mohawk Industries, Inc.'s decision to use the system offered by Harbor Payments will enable them to substitute the expensive and time-consuming process of printing and mailing invoices for delivering them through electronic channels which save both time and money;

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Kabbalahs Place in Jewish Mysticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Kabbalahs Place in Jewish Mysticism - Essay Example The essay "Kabbalah’s Place in Jewish Mysticism" is interested in exploring its impact upon the individual and collective life of the Jews on the one hand, and its association with Christian philosophy on the other. Since mysticism is considered to be the way of unveiling the concealed realities of universal phenomena through soul’s direct or indirect encounter with the Creator, by seeking inspiration from Him. It is therefore, one particular class out of the followers belonging to all Abrahamic faiths practice the same in one way or the other in order to obtain wisdom, unique mystic experience and spiritual uplift as well through meditation, rumination and contemplation. However, the ways and methods adopted by various sects appear to be divergent ones in nature, though the destination is one and the same i.e. examination of the truth and realities of universe in order to approach the Creator; the same is applied to Kabbalah, which not only enjoys imperative status in spiritualism and mysticism, but also appears to be the foundation of Jewish mysticism, followed by various communities and cultures in different forms. The first and oldest one among the three Abrahamic religious faiths, Judaism serves as one of the ancient belief systems of the world, which seeks its inspiration from divine revelation and complete code of leading a systematic life under the commandments introduced by the prophets of God to the progeny of Abraham by direct spiritual guidelines sent from the Creator of the universe to the holy men.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Conflict and Political Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conflict and Political Order - Essay Example Both of these theories have foundations of democracy. Conflict is found at the centre stage of politics because of the struggle for power between individuals. Up to the modern concept of political order, conflict remains contentious when it comes to politics. These concepts have drawn from the ancient view of politics advanced by individuals such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Aquinas among others. Some of their concepts and propositions have been dispelled while others have influenced the philosophy of politics for centuries. Conflict among human beings is as old as history itself. War is found to have begun very long time ago because of the desire to control resources. Conflict has been founded on religious differences, ethnic differences, differing political ideologies, and social motivations. Politics is a broad subject that has influence over all humans directly or indirectly. According to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, political science has massive influence over all other things, he mentions about its authority and the control it has over humans under his theory of natural slavery. His assertions that humans are naturally political present a situation that depicts them as differing in opinions and thoughts. His view was that humans are unique, with each playing a specific role just like the way organs functions in a body. The aggregation of communities together is a natural affair because it achieves self-sufficiency among the individuals. The political nature of persons induces them to engage in conflicts between one another. The conflicts may not be based on any personal view but the political affiliations. According to the arguments presented by Aristotle in the Book V the affiliations that appears between individuals creates factions based on common interes ts. In the first place, the mindset of an individual prompts them to affiliate to a certain group and will tend to have disparity in opinion and behaviour with the other factions. Secondly, factions are developed depending on the benefits that are derived from them, it is also possible that some things are lost in joining the groupings thereby some resentment to the differing groupings is experienced. Finally, political disputes are potential sources of factions where there are ideological differences between groups. The traditional approach of conflict seems to have been avoided since its focus was mainly on functionalism. The approach gives weight to the fact that each individual in an organization or community is designated from a specific role in the community. This is contrary to the modern conflict theory where the opinion shapers are the elite in the society. However, to the modern theorists there is consensus with Aristotle’s point of view that all humans are wired to be political. The modern view presents a situation where social classes arise hence creating a huge disparity and dispelling the functionality notion that humans have a specific role that each is supposed to play. Conflict is very much associated with rise to power. According to Machiavelli use of force is one the strategies that power can be obtained, these results in conflict that results to loss of lives and betrayal. These individuals kill the people they want to lead and the existing leaders in order to find their way to power. A situation that does not involve much conflict happens when power is obtained through the favour of the people. In such a situation the conflict arises between the common people and the nobles, however, the funny thing is that the nobles have much influence over the common people such that they are capable of manipulating them to have one of them

Friday, July 26, 2019

Summary and paraphrase of Buckley's article Essay

Summary and paraphrase of Buckley's article - Essay Example This is problematic, because it is a sign of the attitude of complacency. During a movie, he observed similar kinds of attitudes with the projectionist, because the film was out of focus. This is in spite of the fact that everyone knew this, but no one seemed to care. 3. In keeping with his theory of social etiquette, Buckley sees a similar situation with himself every New Year’s Eve. He continually makes resolutions to himself to speak up against the kind of indifference from people like the train conductor, yet every year he never does. The classic example of this occurred on the airplane when he was trying to get the flight attendant to collect his empty tray. During this process, she spoke rudely to him and he had to wait longer for her to pick up his tray. 4. As a result, Buckley deduces that some kind of fundamental shift has taken place in the world. The shift is that no one is willing to go the extra mile for their customers, and that public is unwilling to speak up ag ainst it. The reason why he believes this is occurring is the tremendous technological advancements in this modern age. Beyond Babel: Why the Babble Below Will Matter Less By: Michael Schrage 1. In his article, â€Å"Beyond Babel†¦Ã¢â‚¬  author Michael Schrage is making the argument that although it is an impressive feat of intelligence to be multilingual, it is really unnecessary in terms of the global economy and its success. 2. Schrage clearly states that in a global management meeting, there are many linguistic differences and inefficiencies that do more harm than good. Although a non-native English-speaking representative is doing their best to relay a particular point, without proper fluency in the example language of English, it is more difficult for others to understand what the non-native English speaker is trying to say, as well as that person’s ability to relay the information. It is noted in the article that it is much more likely that business people in As ia speak Microsoft Word much more fluently than they do English. In toleration of an executive that seems to speak more malapropisms than can be understood, those that misidentify the numbers of the business will be fired. This is perceived as an unfair disadvantage, due to the fact that although someone may not be able to speak English, they may still be overlooked in spite of their shining examples of spreadsheet data. In this technological age, words are increasingly less important than the technology itself. Language is becoming a marginal ingredient in managerial goals. It is more important that the spreadsheet or simulation that has been provided have words to reinforce the images of these articles, not the words creating images on their own. It is still important for the words used to be articulate, but not so diluted with malapropisms or gerunds that the language is unclear. 3. Schrage makes the argument very clearly that it is not cost-effective, nor necessary for people to be multilingual in today’s technological economy. He clearly mentions that although someone may be able to speak the language with some fluency, they may not totally understand what they are saying or what is going on. He supports this with the linguistic inefficiencies of people who are not quite fluent in English, but are trying very hard. He mentions diversity creating a need for less ambiguous communications, thus using technology to increase the cross-lingual

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Article reflection Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection - Article Example Larsen-Freeman and Long, (1999) have however discussed the second language acquisition from the culture of the western nations only and this therefore means that their research is only culture specific and cannot be generalized to other cultures in the world. According to Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), Different cultures have different language acquisitions and their first language is not always English. Further research therefore needs to be conducted which will lead to the application of information of SL, NNS and NS to other cultures or generalize the information above so that it considers other cultures as well and benefits their recipients such as the children equally. Even though Larsen-Freeman and Long, (1999) are not culturally competent in their discussion of second language acquisition my emulation of their information in teaching will involve offering specific attention to each student language-wise no matter their cultural differences. I believe that children are different from each other and the needs of one cannot be generalized to that of another. The information provided about second language acquisition has and will continue enabling me concentrate even more with the students also use the knowledge provided by Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), to try to bring them to the same level as the rest of the children. The research article together with the research by Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), has changed my understanding of the NS-NNS as well as the second language acquisition of the children which were previously misunderstood as cheekiness or even rudeness. The information gathered will lead to changing of thinking perspective and ensure putting more into the thought process and even engage in multi-dimensional thinking to avoid making assumptions and hence delaying to assist the people in need at the right time. One question about the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Judiciary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Judiciary - Essay Example Judicial restraint is the antonym of judicial activism (Ringhand & Collins, 2010). The discussion between judiciary restraint and judicial activism started in the early days of the United States of America and has proceeded to the present. A number of renowned Supreme Court justices such as John Marshall have supported the judicial activism view, the belief that it’s the role of the judges to chart new constitutional grounds as well as make bold policy decisions. Supporters of legal activists are to judicial restraint that supports that the judiciary should leave the policy formulation and decisions making process to the executive and legislative branches (Ringhand & Collins, 2010). For decades, Republican Party leaders have decried judicial activism and championed for judicial restraint. Republican politicians have associated judicial restraint with a commitment to judicial deference, stating that judges who support judicial activism disrespect the will of many people. The debate has continued to warrant close inspection as a result of the deployment of judicial activism by Republic politicians during the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor as well as in the 2008 presidential elections. The senators were utterly aghast that Sonia’s experience and background might affect her decisions and that she may be an activist. The Sotomayors emphasized that justices make no laws and policies but merely apply those laws that are in existence (Davis, 2009). It is uncontroversial to indicate that only chief Justice Scalia and Justice Roberts Alito and Thomas belong to the number of judges who are in the political circles of Republican. Justice Alito a nd Roberts were nominated by Bush and were considered Republican favorites. The two were however not democrat’s favorites, and President Obama was not ready to vote

Health care Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health care Concepts - Essay Example It also provides us with the constraints faced by our health care arrangement. Week 4- Rising Costs of Health Care: The rising costs present us with some of the challenges that are faced by the health care arrangement. It helps identify these areas that would need further research and improvements to make the arrangement more efficient. It also shows the goals of the US health care arrangement. Pharmaceutical Industry: Presents us with some knowledge on the industry where drugs are developed, produced and marketed. It presents us with the process that a drug has to go through before it is licensed as a medication. Health care Reform topic provides us with a rubric for discussing the health care policy creation and the changes on the policies. It presents the policies that have been developed on matters affecting the health care arrangement. Health care Reform topic two, introduces us to the debates surrounding the health care arrangement and issues on access, fairness, quality and sustainability of the health care arrangement. Medicare/ Medicaid: In this week we are introduced to the concepts of Medicaid which is a government program that provides health care related services. These are rather separate programs but all fall under the section of health and human services. We are introduced to the services that are provided by these programs. Medical Ethics: This topic introduces the students to the code of ethics that ranges from: compassion, human dignity, and support in the health care, education, improvements in the community, responsibilities of the medical practitioners and the aspects of professionalism and upholding honesty in the health care arrangement. Alternative Medicine: We are introduced to a broad range of approaches, therapies, healing processes and those that are not commonly used and unacceptable in the health care arrangement. Health Care Literacy: In this topic we are introduced to the currency of success essential in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Home Health Agency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Home Health Agency - Assignment Example ly literate, and meet several other training requirements such as satisfactorily completing the health and safety component of the training course titled â€Å"Direct Support Persons Core Training Program† or its equivalent. As such training for authorization to provide direct care services is mandatory. The curriculum may vary from state to state however each regulatory agency approves a certain curricula for their direct care trainees to undergo. One of the approved curriculum for training direct caretakers includes â€Å"Providing Residential Services in Community Settings: A Training Guide† (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 2015). The curriculum covers a wide range of topics that needs to be included in the training including best practices for the practitioners. Further for medication administration, the direct caretakers are trained under standardized medication curriculum by a nurse trainer. The nurse trainers supervise the direct caretaker trainees and evaluate their progress. Trainees who need to be authorized for medication administration also need to pass certain examination that evaluates their knowledge and competency of the various drugs that need to be administered. The test could be written or oral examination to test the competency of the direct care staff to ensure that they are qualified to provide the service. After the direct care staff is evaluated, they may be evaluated again in order to ensure compliance. The frequency of being re-evaluated depends upon the nurse trainer. Further if the direct care staff fails to meet the required competency level, then they may be retrained in order to ensure their competency is enough to authorize them for administering medication. Therefore, direct care staff members must undergo training under an approved curriculum in order to be eligible for providing their services at a residence or to administer medication to the patients. The curriculum involves best practices and covers different

Monday, July 22, 2019

Explore Anita Desais intensely evocative, descriptive style in Studies in the Park Essay Example for Free

Explore Anita Desais intensely evocative, descriptive style in Studies in the Park Essay Anita Desai is a world renowned, Indian novelist and short-story writer. Studies in the Park is merely one of her vast collection of short-stories, however, it is one of the most expressive stories, and it also conveys Anita Desais immensely communicative style of writing. Studies in the Park is set in the late 1970s, in contemporary India. It talks about a young boy, Suno, who is determined to do well in his exams that are a few months away. He is frequently pressurised by his parents, to study hard, and do well. However he is constantly disturbed by the repeated noise, and cannot study. He decides to go to a nearby park, which turns out to be an ideal location for him to study. The pressure that is mounted on him slowly starts to rise as the exams approach, this in turn, results in him becoming a workaholic: eventually his whole life revolves around his studies. He then sees a life changing vision that completely transforms his perspective of life. Studies in the Park contains various descriptions, and images that enables the true message of the story to be brought out. The story begins with the line -Turn it off, turn it offWhat next, my god this line evidently depicts the irritability that Suno is experiencing. This example is a perfect case in which Desai uses a very evocative stream of consciousness to illustrate emotion. This story is written in first person, and because of this Anita Desai is able to express true emotion and sentiment, as shown in the example above. In the line So I raced out of my room, Anita Desai indicates that Suno, the protagonist, is annoyed and cannot bear his surroundings anymore. This example is a typical instance where Anita Desai utilises first person, to portray an emotion. Diction is an essential component of Anita Desais style of writing, she uses a diverse collection of words to indicate the precise feeling that the protagonist is experiencing. For example, in the line rest of them standing and peering in the word peering is accurate as it portrays the curiosity and the nosiness of the brothers and sisters. Another example is in the line snarled at him The word snarled, in this context, implies that Suno is very irritable and ill-tempered at this moment. The word is precise, and specific, and thus, it makes the line more communicative and expressive. Anita Desai uses imagery as well, at many occasions, in an attempt to invoke vividness and clarity in the story. For example, in the line Bag-like women in grey and fawn saris with their sackcloth backs to the rails This description of the park is very clear and vivid, it is a description of one instant in the park: it talks about the children falling, the women screaming and the madmen prancing. The description allows the reader to infer many details about the park such as: it is very active, there many people present there, etc. These sorts of descriptions are present all over the story, hence it makes the story more understandable and suggestive. Desai also uses imagery to elaborate on one point, for example, the description The afternoons would be quietbazaars and slums This paragraph talks about the serenity and tranquillity present in the park in the afternoons, and early evenings. Anita Desai stresses on this point with help of various images. The use of imagery and diction has been used extensively in the story. However it is most effective, when the protagonist experiences the vision, in which he realises the importance of the aspects of life. The line Just then she lifted her veilDivine, I felt, or insane indicates a new revelation that takes place in Sunos mind, and with the use of imagery Anita Desai is able to depict this more vividly. During this phase, Desai uses many similes to describe the lady in the epiphany, and hence depict the new revelation. For example, in the line her borkha, like a flower This line compares the ladys face to a wax-white, lifeless flower that shows importance of health in life. Studies in the Park is very communicative and expressive; there are various descriptions and accurate diction that are essential components in the story. These have made the story more understandable and comprehensible, thus the central theme and message of the story has been portrayed competently. Anita Desais descriptive writing style is extremely graphic and illustrative: it focuses mainly on descriptions, images and precise diction to portray a particular point. Thus she has been able to depict the importance of everything in life: health, religion, family and love.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLGATE PALMOLIVE Industry Overview In a society that cares about appearances consumers continually look for new, innovative oral care products to provide an extra sparkle to their smiles. Oral care companies are marketing their products to different consumer segments in order to capture their share in the growing segment market. Todays consumer demand numerous benefits from their tooth pastes and manufacturers are responding accordingly. The Personal Care and Household Cleaning Products Industry inclues Companies that make Personal Care and Hygiene Care Products such as cosmetics, perfumes and toiletries as well as household cleaning products. Some leading companies in Personal Care and Household care are Procter Gamble, Unilever, Colgate Palmolive, Johnson JohnsonGillette and Reckitt Benckiser etc. Key Market Players Colgate-Palmolive Colgate-Palmolive headquartered in New York City is the biggest seller of toothpaste (ahead of Procter Gamble) and a world leader in oral care products (mouthwash, toothpastes, and toothbrushes). The company also makes personal care products (baby care, deodorants, shampoos, soaps) and household cleaners (bleaches laundry products, soaps). Its other well-known brands include Palmolive dishwashing liquid and tabs, Ajax surface cleaners, and Fab laundry detergent. Its Hills Pet Nutrition subsidiary makes Science Diet and Prescription Diet brands of pet food. Colgate operates in more than 70 countries and sells products in more than 200. Procter Gamble The Procter Gamble Company is the number one U.S. maker of household products, with brands in five main categories: Baby, feminine and family care; Fabric and home care; Beauty care; Health care and Food and Beverages. Nowadays Procter Gamble markets nearly 300 brands, including leading brands such us Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Whisper, Pantene, Bounty, Pringles, Folgers, Charmin, Downy, Lenor, Iams, Crest, Actonel, Olay, and Clairol. PG has sales in more than 160 countries around the world and PGs worldwide headquarters is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The company operates 115 plants in almost 80 countries worldwide and employs nearly 98,000 people. The firm also makes pet food and water filters and produces soap operas. Proctor Gamble is not an active player in local market tooth paste market. GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline, one of the top five pharmaceutical firms in the world, is the name behind antidepressant Paxil and asthma therapies, Flovent and Servent, among the worlds best-selling drugs. Other international bestsellers include Avandia fordiabetes, migraine reliever Imitrex, cancer-related nausea drug Zofran, and antibiotic Augmentin. GSK products are also available without a prescription: OTC products include Zantac for sour stomachs, Aquafresh Maclense for cleaner teeth. Oxy for skin suffering the ravages of adolescence, and Nico Derm for smokers looking to kick the habit. Unilever Unilever is one the worlds top packaged consumer goods companies, Unilever has leveraged its brand-name food, cleaning and personal care products into market dominance worldwide. Dually headquartered in London and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, it is operated by two different holding companies, Unilever PLC (UK) and Unilever N.V. (the Netherlands), which have separate stock listings but an identical board of directors. Unilever is one of the industry leader in deodorants (Axe, Degree), hair care products (Suave, ThermaSilk), prestige fragrances (Calvin Klein, Lagerfeld) and soap (Dove, Lux ). Its other familiar goods include Q-Tips, Vaseline, Pepsodent, Close up and Mentadent tooth pastes and laundry and cleaning products such as all Wisk and Surf. Locally Manufactured Medicame Tooth Pate, Medipac, Forhans, English, Listerine and Sensodine tooth paste are also increasing their market share. Medicame Listerine and Sensodyne are medicated tooth paste. Sensitive consumer gives good consideration to medicated tooth paste. However English tooth paste is very low price tooth paste. Some imported tooth pastes are also available at super store while a variety of medicated tooth paste is available at Medical stores. Close up and medicame are the real competitors of Colgate tooth paste. They have reduced the market share of Colgate. Colgate tooth paste is pioneer and innovator in the introduction of Herbal tooth paste. Corporate Profile Personal care giant Colgate-Palmolive is generally associated with toothpaste and soap, but in fact its broad portfolio also includes Pet food, Deodorants, Fabric softeners, Household cleaners and Detergents. Brands include Ajax, Fab, Mennen and Hills Science Diet, alongside the two products that make up the companys name. Colgate is the worlds #1 toothpaste and toothbrush brand; Palmolive soap is the worlds third largest soap brand, now covering a growing range of hair care products as well as soaps. Colgate-Palmolive is also truly international, deriving more than 70% of its sales outside the US. Advertising Age/TNS estimated global measured advertising expenditure in 2003 of $621m, making Colgate the worlds #40 advertisers. Colgate-Palmolive is a leading global consumer products company, serving people in more than 200 countries and territories with consumer products that make lives healthier and more enjoyable. The Company focuses on strong global brands in its core businesses O ral Care, Personal Care, Household Surface Care, Fabric Care and Pet Nutrition. The Group operates in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. History of Colgate Palmolive 1800 1850s The company began in 1806, when William Colgate, an English immigrant, set up a starch, soap and candle business on Dutch Street in New York City, USA. Frances Smith was made a partner in the following year and the firm became Smith and Colgate. William Colgate brought out his partner in 1813; the name was then changed to William Colgate and Company. In 1817 the first Colgate advertisement Soap, Mould and Dipt Candles appeared. A few years later, William Colgate and his brother-in-law, John Gilbert, built a starch factory in an area that today is Jersey City, New Jersey. The Dutch Street factory was moved there in 1847, though the business office remained on Dutch Street. Principal products at that time were Windsor Toilet Soaps and Pearl Starch. After more than fifty years in the starch, soap and candle business, William Colgate died in 1857. The company then became known as Colgate Company. 1860s 1910s In 1866, the company introduced perfumed soap and began the manufacture of perfumes and essences. Six years later Cashmere Bouquet, the first milled perfumed toilet soap, was registered as a trademark. Surprisingly, it wasnt until 1873 almost seventy years after the companys founding that Colgate Company produced its first toothpaste, an aromatic dental cream sold in jars. Then, in 1896, the company made toothpaste much more convenient to use by introducing the first collapsible toothpaste tube, one similar to those in use today. Meanwhile in Milwaukee, the B.J Johnson Soap Company, founded in 1864, was about to change its destiny. In 1898 the company introduced Palmolive Soap, a product that was so successful it prompted B.L. Johnson to change its name to the Palmolive Company 1916. By its 100th anniversary, Colgate Company was manufacturing dental care products, laundry soaps, 160 different kinds of toilet soap and 625 varieties of perfume. In 1906, the company launched a plant expansion at its Jersey City site, and a new 8-storey factory opened on the site in Jersey City. A few years later in 1910, the entire Colgate organization left the original buildings on Dutch and John Streets and moved to Jersey City. It was on the roof of one of Colgates factory buildings there that the first Colgate clock, its face measuring 37.5 feet in diameter and covering an area of 1104 square feet, was installed in 1908. The original Colgate clock, which became a fixture on the New Jersey waterfront, was moved to a new Colgate factory in Jeffersonville, Indiana in 1924 and was replaced with a new, bigger timepiece, which today is still one of the worlds largest single faced clocks. The new octagon-shaped clock measured 1963.5 square feet with a 25 foot, 10 inches long minute hand and a 20 foot long hour hand. 1920 1930 On the 7th January 1922, the Palmolive Company (of England) Ltd was incorporated, with the first directors meeting being held a month later when Bob Foster was appointed Chairman. In 1925 a new name was registered, The Palmolive Company Ltd. At this time most of the display cards for shop windows and point-of-sale inside chemists were produced in the USA and shipped over with the product. It was not until the 1930s that the UK company commissioned its own advertisements. In 1928 the Colgate Company merged with Palmolive-Peet Co. in the USA, and thus another name change followed in the UK, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Ltd. It was in 1933 that an agreement was signed with the parent company in America to manufacture Colgate products in the UK, and production started in London from a factory in Ranelagh Road (on lease since 1929). With war clouds gathering over Europe, a wise decision was taken to establish a manufacturing base for Palmolive in England. In 1938 the soap makers G.W. Goodwins Sons were purchased and Palmolive was produced in the Ivy soapworks at Salford, near Manchester, from July 1939, just six weeks before the outbreak of war. 1940s 1960s After the war, things gradually returned to normal. In 1949 the Company decided to enter the detergent business with Fab a new detergent powder already on sale in the USA. Fab survived for a number of years but was eventually discontinued having succumbed to the pressure of heavy competition. Another brand brought over from the USA was a new type of foaming cleanser called Ajax. Launched also in 1949, Ajax proved popular and became brand leader in the mid 1950s. Colgate Chlorophyll was launched in 1952 at a time when the public were intrigued by anything chlorophyll. Palmolive soap drew attention to the fact that natures chlorophyll is in every tablet. In 1953 the name changed to Colgate-Palmolive Limited. By 1956 Colgates share of the US market had reached 23% (from 9% in 1947). New product launches in the 1950s included Lustre-Creme shampoo, Cue hair dressing, Kan-Kil aerosol insect killer, Rapid-shave aerosol lather (1954), Ajax liquid all purpose cleaner with ammonia-plus (promoted on TV as cleans like a white tornado) and Cadum toilet soap in 1955. In the UK in 1964, brand leader Colgate introduced Colgate fluoride, the toothpaste that helps stop bad breath and fights tooth decay. This was updated in 1970 with a new formula containing monofluorophosphate or MFP, and two years later this brand was combined with the standard Colgate to create Colgate MFP Fluoride. The other major launch was Ultrabrite in 1968; New Ultrabrite the extra-strength toothpaste for really white teeth. Youll love its new zingy flavour too. Noticeably there was no attempt at directly linking the Colgate name to Ultrabrite. It was in 1965 that one of the most memorable TV advertising campaigns began for Colgates Ring of Confidence. A continuous stream of TV commercials in the form of before and after mini stories showed the lasting benefits of using Colgate. Even today many remember the sound of the effective ping. 1970s 1990s 1976 saw the arrival of Soft Gentle aerosol, a new antiperspirant that did not sting, even after shaving. Its image evoked by its packaging, was feminine, kind and mild. Woodleigh Green, the shampoo and soap with a fresh, green apple fragrance was introduced in 1979. Under the worldwide Chairmanship of Reuben Mark, appointed to the position in 1984, Colgate-Palmolive sold many of its recently acquired companies and concentrated on building strength in its core businesses of oral care, body care, household surface care and Hills Pet Nutrition. Colgate was still Britains top selling toothpaste and throughout the eighties the company continued to develop its products, first with improved MFP fluoride, and then the introduction of Blue Minty Gel the first toothpaste to target 9 -14 year olds. In 1986 Colgate Junior was introduced and Colgate Tartar Control. In 1984 the new pump action toothpaste dispenser made its debut, and five years later another packaging improvement, the easy to use fliptop cap. Innovation and focus describe the companys activities in the nineties. Perhaps the most innovative development came in 1993 with the launch of Colgate Total toothpaste the most effective toothpaste available. This was just the start of new toothpaste introductions Colgate Platinum (1995) for that fashion model whiteness, Colgate Total Fresh Stripe (1995) and Triple Cool Stripe (1996) and Colgate Sensation Deep Clean (1997). Other new arrivals appeared in the Soft Gentle range with a Smooth Solid (a completely new format for anti-perspirants) and Lights, using the latest fragrance. Soft Gentle had always had fragrance as a key differentiator, and it is this aspect of the product that is constantly changing to keep up with current fine fragrance trends. Soft Gentle cream was launched in 2001. The roll on had aloe vera added in 2002, and there was also a packaging upgrade. Palmolive entered the growing market for shower gels with a range of irresistible products all designed to leave the skin smooth to the touch. 1999 saw the launch of Colgate Whitening and Colgate Superstar. Colgate Fresh Confidence was launched in 2000, and in 2001 Colgate Herbal and Colgate Total Plus Whitening arrived. Colgate-Palmolive Values Our three fundamental values-Caring, Global Teamwork and Continuous Improvement-are part of everything we do. They are the foundation for our business strategy and are reflected in every aspect of our work life. Caring The Company cares about people: Colgate people, customers, shareholders and business partners. Colgate is committed to act with compassion, integrity and honesty in all situations, to listen with respect to others and to value differences. The Company is also committed to protect the global environment and to enhance the communities where Colgate people live and work. Global Teamwork All Colgate people are part of a global team, committed to working together across countries and throughout the world. Only by sharing ideas, technologies and talents can the Company achieve and sustain profitable growth. Continuous Improvement Colgate is committed to getting better every day in all it does, as individuals and as teams. By better understanding consumers and customers expectations and continuously working to innovate and improve products, services and processes, Colgate will become the best. PRODUCT Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, goods or ideas. What is Colgate Herbal White toothpaste? Colgate Herbal White toothpaste combines Colgates expertise in oral care with some of natures finest ingredients. With its unique blend of herbs, Colgate Herbal White delivers a great brushing experience to help ensure first and foremost your good oral health. Plus, it whitens too. How does it work to whiten and strengthen teeth? Colgate Herbal White helps whiten teeth with gentle cleaning silica and calcium carbonate. It removes surface stains from food and drink. Colgate Herbal White also helps strengthen teeth with fluoride. What are the benefits of using Colgate Herbal White? Colgate Herbal Whites special blend of herbs gives it a unique flavor that leaves your mouth with a fresh feeling. In addition, the Colgate Herbal White formula contains fluoride to help prevent cavities while helping to strengthen teeth. What herbs are used and what do they do? Melissa herb: known for its soothing qualities Eucalyptus: noted for its energizing properties Lemon Extract: recognized for its fresh, aromatic flavor Natural Mint: enjoyed for its naturally refreshing taste What makes Colgate Herbal White different from other Colgate toothpastes? How does it compare with other whitening toothpastes? Colgate Herbal White is the only Colgate toothpaste in the market that contains natural herbs in its formula. Its unique combination of calcium carbonate and high cleaning silica delivers whitening and a fresh feeling in your mouth. Can children use Colgate Herbal White? Yes. As with any other toothpaste, children 2 to 6 years old should use a pea-sized amount and should brush under the supervision of an adult. For children under 2 years old please consult a dentist or physician. What happens if the cap is left open? Because Colgate Herbal White has a natural base of calcium carbonate, the toothpaste can lose some of its moisture and harden if the cap is left off for prolonged periods of time. To avoid this, always close the cap after brushing. What makes Colgate Herbal White different from other herbal toothpastes? We cant really comment on other companies products. We can tell you that Colgate Herbal White contains fluoride and the expert science of Colgate to help ensure first and foremost your good oral health. Product Life Cycle Launching a product leads to a life cycle through which passing of product is considered as natural.A product life cycle phenomenon can be viewed as Introductory stage Growth stage Maturity stage Decline stage Colgate Herbal Toothpaste is successfully passing through the introductory stage and entering into the growth stage. Colgate people develop the products after identifying the core consumer needs that the product will satisfy. They introduce the product after careful segmentation and identifying the target market. Since their target market as they know is going towards the natural products for the health of their teeth, so Colgate has introduced its Colgate Herbal which is a blend of natural herbs and modern scientific research. They continuously develop the product for their customer satisfaction. They have close eye on the market and whenever they find a gap in the market, they launch a product whenever they find a gap in the market. Colgate Business Strategy Colgates tightly defined leadership strategy focuses on four core global businesses: Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition. Around the world, Colgate people all work together to succeed in:  · Driving Growth  · Funding Growth  · Becoming the Best Place to Work Our long history of strong performance comes from absolute focus on our core global businesses, combined with a successful worldwide financial strategy. This financial strategy is designed to increase gross profit margin and reduce costs in order to fund growth initiatives and generate greater profitability. Target Market Colgate Pakistan considers the whole population of the country as its target marketHowever for different sorts of consumers it has developed different flavors and tastes in the tooth paste sector especially. Colgate Anti-cavity protection tooth paste is basically designed to remove the cavity on teeth and for fresh breath. Colgate Fresh Stripe Gel is for whitening teeth with fresh breath. Target market for its Herbal white is nature sensitive users. Users that want whitening of tooth paste through natural ingredients. It not only whitens your teeth but also gives you a feeling of fresh breath. Children of all ages can use it. Its Natural Herbs attracts all Nature Lover. PRICE The amount of money that one has to pay to buy the product is known as price. Price is the element in marketing mix that produces revenue while the other elements of marketing mix generate cost only. They company must set its price in relation to the value delivered and the value perceived by the customer. Being as a market leader in tooth paste industry Colgate sets its prices in view the product itself, target customer class and competitors product prices. Pricing Strategies Colgate has maintained the custom of launching the new product at low prices so that every customer can take a trial of the product. Colgate changes its prices to meet the competition but only at that time when the prices of competitors decrease because of national change in prices. Every customer has to pay the same amount to buy the products of Colgate Palmolive in Pakistan. It means the company is following uniform delivered pricing strategy for all its products. Before setting price Colgate considers the following  · Pricing objectives  · Importance of pricing for target customers  · Identifies the demand  · Estimated costs  · Competitors prices PLACE/DISTRIBUTION The process of making the product available to customers to right customers at right places. Colgate is using in direct second level of distribution to make its products available to final consumers Distribution channel always keep in touch with the target customer and competitors as well. They provide all the information ton the company which contains problems and competitors actions. The distributors have their own godowns in which they store the companys products. It is the responsibility of the retailer to provide the product to the retailer at his door step. PROMOTION Promotion is necessary to reach consumers with which Colgate interacts. Promotion is communication used to inform, persuade or remind. Personal selling, advertising, publicity and public relations are the four key elements of the promotion mix. Colgate is targeting the whole population of Pakistan through advertisement. Company also introduces different promotion schemes such as discounts and 2 in 1. Colgate gives high emphasis on direct approach to customers. Its sales team visit citites after cities where they involve in experiments of tooth whitening. They try to satisfy their customers at the spot. S.W.O.T. Analysis Strategic Planning and Thinking S.W.O.T. stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis provides us with an analytical framework for studying a Companys position and strategy. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors of a Company. Opportunities and Threats are external factors. It allows you to analyze the different factors which affect the relative competitiveness of a Corporation. While SWOT is a useful tool to organize information, it is based on the subjective assessment of a situation. As such, as SWOT analysis is only as good as the information to goes into them. Strengths  · Companys presence in 200 countries is its biggest strength  · Strong Corporate image of Colgate Palmolive  · Strong Financial Position  · Worldwide research and excessive emphasize on technology.  · Strong social image of the Company  · Well-established and renowned distributors  · Highly enthusiastic sales team  · More concern towards quality improvement  · A blend of scientific research with natural herbs Weaknesses Only emphasize on urban market while suburban and rural areas are neglected to some extent. Colgate promotion budget is very less as compared to its competitors. Opportunities According to the information obtained by company marketing manager as well Chamber of commerce and Industry Karachi, and Pakistan Dental Association the market is growing rapidly. People are becoming more and more health conscious. Due to this growing market there are a lot of opportunities for Colgate to exploit this growing market by introducing new products. Due to shift from artificial components to natural things people are demanding products that are very natural. This trend is a good opportunity to capture this segment through efficient marketing practices. Threats Threat of the new entrance is also present. Unilever and Medicame is capturing market increasingly. Locally manufactured as well imported tooth pastes are also threat to Colgate in the competitive market. Market competition is also increasing day by day. Competitor Analysis Colgate Pakistan does not consider any brand as its close competitor in the market. Colgate is the only market leader in the oral care in Pakistan. P G is its world wide competitor but P G is not marketing its brand Crest tooth paste. However Unilever, Glaxosmithkline are having good contribution in the market. Especially Close up is rapidly expanding its product line. But still imported close up is having better share as compared to locally manufactured close up. English laboratories ( English tooth paste) and Roomi Entreprises with Sensodyne are also popular brands in tooth paste market. But Medicame and Synsodyne are categorized in the medicated tooth pastes. Colgate Herbal is uniqeue in its formula and not any other brand is offering Herbal tooth paste in the market. Manjans and tooth powder are losing their importance and mouth washes may increase their current low share. However awareness about the mouthwashes is also increasing but still the trend has not set. Colgate is still market leader in oral care in Pakistan. Its brand image and its diversified products touch it a universal market leader in the oral care and personal care. Conclusion While concluding all the discussion, we would like to tell proudly that Colgate is not only world leader in oral care in the world but also in Pakistan. Colgate has given variety in its products and it has introduced so many flavors and formulas in its tooth pastes. Its brands are world class in quality. Colgate people emphasize on three fundamental values-Caring, Global Teamwork and Continuous Improvement-are part of everything they do. These values are the foundation for Colgate business strategy and are reflected in every aspect of their work life. Colgate brands are very popular in our society. Colgate is focusing on quality and innovation in oral care sector. Colgate Herbal tooth paste is an innovative step towards a tooth paste industry and Colgate is pioneer to introduce a product that is a blend of Natural Herbals and Scientific research. Colgate will continue to improve its products through innovation and customer satisfaction.

E Learning And Attituide Of Pakistani People Education Essay

E Learning And Attituide Of Pakistani People Education Essay ABSTRACT The main goal of this research for e-learning is to know about the attitudes of Pakistani society. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. Results show that up there based on educational level are significant differences in attitudes toward education. In addition, the study revealed that Pakistani students have generally good behavior towards e-learning. Deeper attitudes towards e-learning study in Pakistan with a discussion of factors involved. This study contributes to the literature on e-learning studies by systematically measuring the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. Listen Read phonetically Dictionary View detailed dictionary Key Words: E-learning, Attitudes surveys, Pakistan. INTRODUCTION: P1 (1.1) In terms of e-learning, there are many researches for importance of education in various fields took place, but theres limited material available to the people, how they react when they relate to the perspective of Learning is available online, it also explores the reactions of people in academic fields and what they accept or reject it.   With e-learning, curriculum-based education has challenged the fundamental concept, and focused more changes to learn.   In this paper we will demonstrate that there is a difference in people educational perpective and boards and chalks now changes by the implementation of electronic goods in response to participants thinking about learning. BACKGROUND: P1 (1.2) E-learning was created to facilitate people to get information and knowledge of every type when they want that, so it get popularity very fast RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE: (A) It has a spectacular development in the use of e-learning has in recent years, and therefore computer-mediated communication have attracted more attention. If e-learning was introduced, it had created excitement among scientists and practitioners. Many educators and scientists who believe too much hope for e-learning, that offer more access to information and communication, and would ultimately lead to a new revolution in education. Several studies have been conducted to check the settings towards e-learning, but there is virtually no research in this field in Pakistan. PROBLEM STATEMENT: (B) Several researchers from different parts of the world explored the attitudes towards e-learning. Research in this area, we found that it used little research in this field in Pakistan. This is available on the delayed launch of the e-learning system in Pakistan. It is important to note that e-learning tools considerable research in many Western countries. There is no reason to believe that there was not a finding for Pakistan. RESEARCH QUESTION: (P2) (1.3) The importance and relevance of technology in education has added momentum and research in the field of e-learning gained expansion significantly on the new frontiers of education.    Because E-learning is imperative for politics, economy, science and organizations, it is important to recognize and synthesize what these institutions about the purpose and functions of e-learning and also say, settings of e-learning. This basic information can be the formulation for focusing research on e-learning. Thus, this analysis of e- learning initiates the following questions: What is the importance of e-learning in respect to Pakistan. What are the demographic factors affecting e-learning through which we will come to know that how to improve the factors which are beneficial or overcome those factors which deals as a barrier for e-leaning in Pakistan. this research will prove an initial for developers to implement e-learning in Pakistan. HYPOTHESIS: (P2) (1.4) As the e-learning is not very popular in Pakistan and there is a thinking that Pakistan is developing country and it is not up to the mark according to previous researches so we hypothesize that: H1: Pakistani students have negative attitude towards e-learning. H2: there will be a significant difference in attitudes towards e-learning based on the respondents educational level. RESEARCH METHADOLGY : (P3) (1.12) e-learning is a widespread tool and the adoption of this is larger in number and if we are going to conduct research on it in Pakistan we need qualitative data for it to check its authenticity and because we want to know the behavior of people about it and to know differences occur in educational sector. Creating the appropriate methodology for e-learning is not so easy. As independence is the priority of distance learning, student has to rely on himself and not on the help of the teacher or school-mates. The success if this technology lies mainly on the qualities of teaching materials. RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES: (P4) (1.5) Few studies analyzed the attitudes towards e-learning. Our study aims to fill this gap by analyzing the attitudes toward e-learning in Pakistan. More specifically our objective is to analyze the Pakistani societys attitudes and expectations towards e-learning, examine the impact of educational or literacy level on the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. LITERATURE REVIEW: (P5) (1.6) DEFINITION OF THE E-LEARNING E-learning is the acquisition and use of knowledge distributed and facilitated primarily by electronic means. This form of learning currently depends on networks and computers, but will likely evolve into systems consisting of a variety of channell,and technologies as they are developed and adopted. E-learning can take the form of courses as well as modules and smaller learning objects. E-learning may incorporate synchronous or asynchronous access and may be distributed geographically with varied limits of time (Wentling, Waight, Fleur, Wang, and Kanfer, 2000). THE EVOLUTION TO E-LEARNING The E-learning models of today are analogous to the earlier distance learning approaches. The roots of E-learning can be, therefore, traced back to the correspondence course model of learning. One of the first correspondence programs in the U.S. was developed at Pennsylvania State University in 1892, where the main mission was to provide higher education access to remote and rural areas (Banas et al., 1998. During its heyday in the 1920s and 1930s, school such as Penn State experimented with the use of radio to broadcast their correspondence course lessons nationally. To keep pace with the demand generated by the GI Bill in the 1950s, prestigious universities such as Columbia, Chicago, and Penn State launched several distance education programs. In recent years, the knowledge based economy has exhibited a pervasive and ever increasing demand for innovative ways of providing education and this has led to dramatic changes in learning technology as well as organizations.In the midst of this transition, corporations, government organizations, and educational institutions have to keep pace with the e-learning phenomenon and make strategic decisions on how to adopt e-learning techniques in their unique environments (Zhang et al., 2004). history timeline of e-Learning E-learning developed gradually through the period of time. Computers and the Internet are bringing important roles in e-learning what it is today. Education has different standards in many countries and regions. Software are designed to meet these standards and various academic curriculum. Below we will discuss a brief timeline of the development of e-learning. Instructor Led Training (Pre 1983) Before the availability of computers everywhere and for all was Instructor Led Training (ILD), the primary training method. ILT allows students to concentrate on their studies and to come into direct contact and interaction with their teachers and classmates. Disadvantages of the ILT were high cost and time. multimedia era (1984-1993) The mid-1980s and early 1990s saw a significant change computer era. Most people started to understand the importance of computers and it started to have become a luxury product instead. Different operating systems like Windows, Macintosh for Apple Computer with its simple graphical user interface, which take it easy for the user to a lot of affection for computers. Applications with higher standards with a focus on usability developed by end users. Microsofts Office suite, the contain standards from day to day applications such as MS-Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access and how has done it with software programs easier. This had its disadvantages. Despite these benefits and savings of time and money, these courses lacked the personal student-teacher interaction and dynamic presentations make the experience a little less satisfying. Students began to be slower and less engaging. Introduction of Web (1994-1999) The introduction of the Internet and World Wide Web, gave insights into schools to explore their potential and find ways to improve education. The introduction of e-mail, Web browser, HTML, streaming media players, low fidelity audio / video and simple Java began to change the face of multimedia training. Use of E-Learning E-learning is used in everywhere and in all kinds of areas. Companies private or public sector, non-profit organizations, NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) and educational institutions. E-learning is a cost-saving with the aim of improving students knowledge. E-learning helps reach geographically dispersed groups to an anytime, anywhere learning, to ensure consistency, to ensure compliance and increase productivity, to name a few. E-LEARNING DIMENSIONS ATTITUDES    Previous research by and large a positive attitude towards e-learning found. For example studied Peters (1993) the potential benefits of e-learning. The results show great agreement, thus benefiting from e-learning in teaching and research. However, faculty members expressed in this study, some reservations concerning the future implementation of e-learning at the university, for example: One day the university will receive all its learning provision through e-learning, e-learning will help faculty members develop better teamwork and inter-personal skills and Implementing e-learning at the university will make faculty members flock to sophisticated technologies in teaching. Advantages Previous researches listed several advantages for e-learning. These include: Obtaining grades from the Web. Communication with the course instructor. Discussions on course content through the discussion-board. Easy access to course related materials. Submitting assignments through the Web. Enhancement of course understanding. Communication with classmates. Flexibility, accessibility, convenience. 2.3.3 Disadvantages Every application has two sides. E-Learning also has its disadvantages: Application accessibility should be ensured 24x7x365. Care should be taken to ensure that students with low bandwidth also can access these. Developer limitation have some limitation in accessing this this. Type of content (not all content is suitable for e-learning): Learner motivation and initiativeto e-learning, so that they improve with time. E-learning should be portable to all computer applications via CDs, DVDs and Internet. 2.3.6 Differences in Attitudes towards E-Learning Based On Educational Levels In general, the experience of applying e-learning has to play as an important role in e-learning. For example, in one study (Cheng, 2006) the results of the survey indicated that students who opt for e-learning business courses proved to be much more willing to use e-learning again. It is easy to see that students who applied for e-learning for business courses have a positive attitude and inclination towards the e-learning. 2.3.7 The Future As already mentioned, E-learning has revolutionized the education model in all areas. E-learning is not confined to the boundaries of academic institutions such as schools, colleges and universities, but applies to all types of areas in which a continuous process leaning. We will now discuss the various aspects that will be affected by the introduction of e-learning. E-Learning Web Services Now offer their applications to scale and the needs of small, medium and large organizations. E-learning is not only on academic qualifications, but at all levels have been learning is a continuous process is limited. E-Learning Services will also start in this type of product scalability, where to look it affordable for everyone. Knowledge Transfer Staff training is an area that all successful businesses today focus on employees at the capital of a company, and their successful ventures are sure that they invest in training its employees. Often this is done by sending the employees in different locations. Train-the-trainer and employee-to-employee knowledge transfer are also effective. E-learning is now to meet the individual requirements of the organizations and their departments. This is aimed at providing quality and in depth knowledge specific to the organization and especially for the employees and their work. 2.5 Example of Seminal Studies in E-learning Many studies have been conducted in this field by many authors. Below I have mentioned one of them 2.5.1 Newtons Study (2003) The paper deals with the issues perceived as being important barriers to using technology in teaching and learning within the academic staff community working in higher education in the UK. Methodology and Data Analysis: The empirical data was gathered using questionnaires distributed to 300 academicians in the Information Technology sector of UK. The questionnaire was divided into three main sections: (1) teaching experience using technology; (2) staff perception on usefulness of technology; (3) additional comments and suggestions. The respondents were selected via institutional websites. This study focused primarily in the Information Technology field. The statistical software package SPSS was used to analyze and present the data. Result: A virtual learning environment does not necessarily mean that they do not feel that these initiatives are important. The study shows that although a lack of clarity is evident in distance learning, yet this shows that there is a willingness to participate in this activity which reflects the intrinsic values played by academic staff on teaching and learning. Virtual learning environment barriers are not related to institutional support. Organisational encouragement is important towards the progression of innovation. Organisation should ensure that effective strategies are in place prior to implementing web based distance learning. 2.6 PAKISTAN AND E-LEARNING Pakistan has a good attention for the development of its information technology and communications networks and the focus in education is particularly strong. The following sections are on the Internet, e-government, e-commerce and to discuss training. Awareness and education in Pakistan An early initiative of the teachers to take advantage of distance learning was conducted through an online course to expose. The first online course attended by 40 Pakistani educators was to provide an introduction to Web-based resources for English language lessons with special emphasis on secondary education. These courses help teachers to learn about computers and also how they learn to use as a teaching tool. This improves the teaching environment . RATIONALE : (P6) (1.6) The main reason for doing research on E-learning is its popularity in todays world, because everyone will now get to education, knowledge and information by sitting in the four walls of their houses. Some of the countries are not able to follow these technologies, so we do our research are home to tell people about the importance of e-learning in a country so that there is a large margin in the global economy, people now That can not move, I mean who are disabled can get training with the advent of e-learning project tool. REFLECTIONS : (P6) (1.8) Upon completion of this investigation, I learned how to better argue a point in a paper.Using facts and examples, my arguments have become much better. A reader takes my arguments more seriously, on the facts when I need them again, especially researched facts from credible sources.    My research skills improved a lot during the research. Before the actual research, I had an idea, I wanted to do. I did not have a solid, coherent argument. During my research, I was able to develop on this issue.    This paper, in my opinion, was one of my best research. Dr.Karim Rezual helped me a lot to do this research, he is very strict teacher and this is the only reason that I did my research in time and with my best. This way I would be more about the subject. More knowledge about the subject, the paper made much easier. It helped me to develop more points and at a good conclusion. SCOPE: (P6) (1.9) The whole of study is about internet learning and what is the attitudeof people of Pakistan towards it as well as effectiveness of e-learning. In the process of preparing this study, I also have to go through some problems and obstacles that caused some limitations to my study. One of these limitations was time. The time of collecting data was limited, and hence, little information was available in articles. Results, therefore, had to be interpreted scrupulously. Action plan [D2] I have done my research through the following means I have taken information and knowledge from different and multiple sources e.g. internet, libraries, online teaching websites and and from the experts of e-learning who gave regular lectures on internet. This study gives different suggestions on the attitudes of e-learning and how countries respond to these changes. Study the possible solutions to resolve the challenges and to give them better solutions to cop those challenges This research works as a mentor to teach those people who are interested in doing these types of assignments There also some recommendations from highly qualified people I have also prepared a questionnaire to conduct a survey which make my research easy to find out results. CODE OF ETHICS : (P7) While doing research on e-learning, we have collected and analysed the data by keeping in mind the code of ethics. we have used all the data relavant to it through proper means , I mean from journals and articles which are available for everyone to get information from that. There is no possibility of misuse of data in this rsearch because all of the information is taken from professionals of this field. Everything is conducted in this manner which will prove its authenticity in whole of the research. It should be acknowledged that the basic intent of -learning is a moral good. Attempting to provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people is inherently an ethical task JUSTIFICATION FOR USING THIS METHODOLOGY: (P8) (1.12) we have chosen qualitative approach to gather data because in this type of data researchers subjective judgement becomes the part of the research instrument. A lot of researchers have used this approach and you can check its importance through this quotations written on qualitative data. All research ultimately has   a qualitative grounding Donald Campbell The whole of the research is done to obtain the results from people of Pakistan whether they think positive or negative toward e-learning and also check the educational differences in e-learning. And for that reviews of the professional who are directly related to this particular area and opinions are either taken or studied. DATA COLLECTION AND REVIEWING : (P9) (1.14) (a) The mode that we have selected for our research was collection of secondary data because one the main advantage of this data ease of access , so we took information and data from international publications, journals, libraries, newspapers, magazines, from previous researches conducted in respect to e-learning and from our lecturer DR.Karim Rezual. All these resources helped us to get better understanding to accomplish the topic which we have chosen for research. Some part of qualitative analysis is also involved to measure the future and prospects of e-learning.questionaire was distributed among students so that we can take an opinion about their views towards e-learning. REVIEWING AND ANALYSATION : (P10)(1.14)(b) After completion of all steps came a step to review analyse the data which you have gathered for your research, it is just done to prove the reliability of data which you are going to use in your research, there are numerous strategies employed in this although a laptop was used to interpret data then we have prepared a literature review by keeping in mind the main point which we need to put in our research, this process carried on by breaking up the data into meaningfull form and after this it is aanalysed that the data is without errors and bugs. RESEARCH DESIGN: (M1) (1.13) The design of qualitative research is probably the most flexible of the various experimental techniques, encompassing a variety of accepted methods and structures. From an individual case study to an extensive survey, this type of study still needs to be carefully constructed and designed, but there is no standardized structure. In this research we are going in depth to find the problems associated with people who are using or not using e-learning, Qualitative research is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations. The research data and findings were reviewed constantly and strong effort was made to collect the best material available. This document is based on secondary research, where the information is mostly taken from internet resources and books . FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH: (P11) (1.5) It is known to eeveryone that e-learning getting popular in the global world and it is very fruitfull for all of the sectors e.g institutions, organizations etc. but there are also some problems to it which we recognize while doing thid research are Lack of technology In all areas, available in limited areas Lack of communication Not a good access to the internet Some people are stuck to their old teaching method or love to do manual works People of Pakistan instead of these problems are ready to go with a fast paced world and the students who are getting their education in different departments and different fields have different views about the popularity of e-learning. ANALYSIS INTERMS OF RESEARCH SPECIFICATION: (M3) (1.14) Different researchers have done research on this topic but in Pakistan I think there was a positive response toward e-learning because they prefer to study by electronic means so the whole of the research tell about their views and behaviors about e-learning and ultimately their response. So we think that Pakistan need this facility in proper way to come in the developed countries queue who have adopted this very earlier. RELULTS OF THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND HYPOTHESIS (M2)(1.15) If wee look at research question and hypothesis then we can say that there should be some work on e-learning because people have a good view about it , there are some problems faced in educational area but nothing is present in this world without flaws, so if we just look that they showed a positive attitude so there is need to work on it. Reliability is the instruments ability to provide consistent results in repeated uses (Gatewood and Field, 1990). The basic measure for reliability is the Cronbachs alpha which was also kept in mind and its datas validity is also assured. EVALUATION OF THE RESEARCH: (D1) It was not a simple task to do research on this topic while we are in other country it needed every statement and every judgments based on facts and realities and information from reliable sources . everything is according to the procedure defined for doing research. A set planning was done to do this research and all the findings is based on logics and evidence. Although it was not easy yet it covered all the points in order to get distinction . CONCLUSION: (P12) (1.17) Few studies have analyzed the attitudes towards e-learning in the Asian world. The aim of this study was to fill this gap by analyzing the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. The negative attitude and the effects of educational level on attitudes towards e-learning was also studied. In addition, the e-Learning Scale reliability and validity were tested for the first time. From those results we can conclude that there is a positive attitude towards E-learning in Pakistan. On the other hand, a gap in this respect was recognized on the basis of education. Finally, the results showed that e-Learning is a reliable and valid measurement of attitudes towards e-learning. This allows other researchers to use this scale in their empirical studies. FUTURE RESEARCH AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (D3)(1.18)    This study concludes that the e-learning scale is reliable and valid in Pakistan. However, only one form of validity in this study, carried out the convergent validity analysis. Also, the validity of e-learning scale are further tested by new researchers, because the e-learning attitudes in Pakistan may change over time and that further research would continue in the field the aura of e-learning to life and strong and make education shine in all directions with a new e-learning light for all who have yearning for it. Although e-learning systems in Pakistan are not a popular phenomenon, they are patronized by students and positive international attitudes. In education, showed e-learning systems that support and promote the traditional education systems.    It is believed that Pakistan is to facilitate an association of e-learning institutions to a planned deployment of the system throughout the country. This association should be aware of e-learning problems and try to manage these problems by offering training programs for teachers and students in fields such as e-education and e-privacy systems. 5.2 IMPLICATIONS The following section talks about the research and policy implications of e-learning. 5.2.1 Research Implications This research contributes to the literature on e-learning studies by systematically and analytically assessing the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. Perhaps the findings of this research will also lend increased confidence to researchers who have been using the e-learning scale with reservations, or who might have avoided the instrument because of concerns about validity. We should leave no stone unturned to reap the fruits of scientific and technological innovations with e-learning being one of them.